Pre-register for Virtual Lab ActivitiesWhile our Cool Science Carnival Day Show Channel programs require no registration, our more interactive Lab Channel activities require you to pre-register so that we can send you a secure Zoom link. Before you sign up using the form at the bottom of the page be sure to click on your desired activity below for the list of materials and any other instructions that you will need to participate on Carnival Day.
Virtual Carnival Day Lab Activities (click the title bar for a list of materials and instructions you will need)
9:00 am mdt - Children's hospital of colorado - preventing sports injuries
Good morning student athletes! Come learn the importance of a proper warmup routine and try some sport-specific dynamic warm up techniques to prevent injuries on the field and on the court.
No materials needed to Participate.
No materials needed to Participate.
Special Instructions:
Download this handout (676KB PDF)
Ages 10-16. Limit 20 for Zoom.
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Download this handout (676KB PDF)
Ages 10-16. Limit 20 for Zoom.
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9:30 am mdt - Zack and Zoey Adventures - Zack and Zoey Make Slime!
Zoey (age 9) will show you how simple it is to make slime - and then how much fun it is to do some tricks with your slime!
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
- Elmer's glue
- Baking soda
- Contact lens solution
- Food coloring (optional)
Special Instructions:
If you don't have contact lens solution you can use Borax instead (find it alongside laundry detergent at the grocery store).
Ages 5-10. Limit 20 for Zoom.
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If you don't have contact lens solution you can use Borax instead (find it alongside laundry detergent at the grocery store).
Ages 5-10. Limit 20 for Zoom.
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9:50 am United States Air Force Academy STEM Outreach - Soaring Straw Rockets
You'll have a "BLAST" learning the history and basic components of rockets, then build your own straw rocket.
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
- Clean drinking straw
- Several sheets of paper
- Tape
- Scissors
Special Instructions:
Also would be fun to have measuring device, tape measure, ruler, meter stick or nonstandard like a book. Students will create a graph to chart their results.
Ages 6-16. Limit 20 for Zoom.
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Also would be fun to have measuring device, tape measure, ruler, meter stick or nonstandard like a book. Students will create a graph to chart their results.
Ages 6-16. Limit 20 for Zoom.
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10:40 pm MSU Denver (Center for Advanced STEM Education) - DIY Mini Hydroponic System
Grow plants without soil by building your own mini hydroponic system and learn how this uses less water and land than traditional farming methods.
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
- Plastic bottle (16 oz or 2-liter soda bottle)
- Old T-shirt or rag
- Water
- Soilless Potting Mix or growing medium (like perlite, vermiculite or sphagnum peat moss)
- Seeds (herbs or lettuce are the easiest to start with)
- Nutrients or fertilizer (optional)
Special Instructions:
You can cut the plastic bottle in half ahead of time, but keep both halves. You can also cut a strip of cloth from the T-shirt about 2" wide and several inches long.
Please help us support our grant funding by completing this survey afterwards:
Ages 6-16. Limit 20 for Zoom.
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You can cut the plastic bottle in half ahead of time, but keep both halves. You can also cut a strip of cloth from the T-shirt about 2" wide and several inches long.
Please help us support our grant funding by completing this survey afterwards:
Ages 6-16. Limit 20 for Zoom.
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11:00 am National Renewable Energy Laboratory - NREL at Home: On a Beam of Light
Join us as we read "On a Beam of Light" by Jennifer Berne, then look at the difference between waves and particles using toys and a bowl of water.
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
- A few toys (anything you like)
- A bowl of water
11:30 am Nature & Wildlife Discovery Center - Raptor Talk
Take a peek inside the lives of our resident raptors - hawks, owls, falcons and vultures - and learn about the marvelous adaptations of these majestic animals.
No materials needed.
No materials needed.
12:00 pm CaveSim - Deep Science: Exploring Deep Caves and the Physics of Rope Rescue
Learn about friction, simple machines, and some basic math as we use our vertical caving tower to demonstrate rope climbing systems used to explore deep in the earth, then perform some simple experiments based on what you learned
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate (optional):
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate (optional):
- A metal fork
- Vinegar
- A bowl to hold the vinegar
- 3 small rocks from your yard (choose rocks that look different and will fit in the bowl)
- At least one piece of strong string (could be a shoelace, but from an extra shoe, not a shoe you're wearing)
- Optional: a piece of nylon rope that you don't care about (it may get destroyed)
12:40 am Childrens Hospital of Colorado Child Life Team - Blood Cells in the Human Body
Learn the role of blood cells within the human body, (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets) by making a kid-friendly fake blood recipe - just in time for Halloween!
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
- Light corn syrup for plasma (1/2 cup)
- Red hot candy for red blood cells (1/2 cup)
- Dry lima beans for white blood cells (5 pieces)
- Dry lentils for platelets (1 tablespoon)
1:00 pm Eddie Goldstein - The Magical Math and Science INTERACTIVE Show
World-renowned science educator and magician, Eddie Goldstein, will mystify you with incredible feats of Science, Math, and Magic- just like he did in last year's popular show- but this time you get to follow along from home!
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
- 15-20 coins, cards, pebbles or other small objects
- 10 playing cards (5 red and 5 black)
Special Instructions:
If you don't have playing cards you can use index cards and color them 5 red and 5 black.
Download and print this handout 1.5MB PDF or have 3-4 sheets of paper to draw on.
All ages. Limit 20 for Zoom.
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If you don't have playing cards you can use index cards and color them 5 red and 5 black.
Download and print this handout 1.5MB PDF or have 3-4 sheets of paper to draw on.
All ages. Limit 20 for Zoom.
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1:45 pm Girl Scouts of Colorado - Mad Science: Acids & Bases and a DIY Volcano Reaction!
Our "Mad Scientist" will show you how to use red cabbage to learn about acids and bases, then mix them together to make your own "volcano"!
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
- Vinegar (1 tbsp for each volcano)
- Baking Soda (1 tbsp for each volcano)
- 2 Styrofoam, paper or plastic cups, any size
- Scissors
- Piece of plain paper and something to write with
Special Instructions:
Download the activity instructions (741 KB PDF)
You might want a tray of any kind or plastic covering should you want to avoid a mess.
If you would like to decorate your volcano you can use Paper, markers or crayons.
Ages 6-12. Limit 20 for Zoom.
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Download the activity instructions (741 KB PDF)
You might want a tray of any kind or plastic covering should you want to avoid a mess.
If you would like to decorate your volcano you can use Paper, markers or crayons.
Ages 6-12. Limit 20 for Zoom.
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2:15 pm Donor Alliance & Donate Life Colorado - Interactive Transplantation Science
Ever wonder how big your heart is or where your kidneys are, or what corneal blindness feels like? This fun, interactive presentation will answer those questions and introduce you to the world of organ, eye and tissue donation and transplantation.
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
- Wax paper or cereal bag
- Piece of paper
Special Instructions:
Download and print this activity sheet 460KB PDF.
Ages 10-16. Limit 20 for Zoom.
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Download and print this activity sheet 460KB PDF.
Ages 10-16. Limit 20 for Zoom.
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2:45 pm UCAR Center for Science Education - Let's Compare Warm and Cold Air!
Explore how air behaves when it changes temperature and and how that influences the formation of some clouds and weather.
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
- A small plastic bottle, like a water or soda bottle
- About a tablespoon of dish soap in a container at least as large as the mouth of the bottle (You'll be turning the bottle upside down & dipping it in the container.)
- Two larger containers (such as bowls or tubs) - big enough to hold the bottom of the bottle with some water
- About 2 inches of cold, ice water in one of the larger containers
- About 2 inches of very hot water in the other larger container (It's best to boil the water just before the program begins, as it will cool a bit before we get to the demo to use it.)
3:10 pm United States Air Force Academy Blue Horizon Rocketry Club - It Is Rocket Science!
What could an origami frog and a straw in a bottle possibly have to do with rocket science? You'll find out as you perform a couple cool science experiments with cadets from the Air Force Academy!
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
Materials and Equipment You Will Need to Participate:
- Small paper clips (vinyl-covered multi-colored ones from discount stores work best)
- Small rubber bands (the really small ones for making pony tails are best)
- A clear two-liter soda bottle with lid
- Water
- Clear plastic drinking straws
- A tall cup of water (optional)
Special Instructions:
Clear plastic straws are a little easier to work with and a little cheaper, but you could instead use 5/16" outside diameter clear vinyl tubing. The tubing is available off rolls by the foot from any hardware store.
The tall cup of water is for testing for the right density. You might also want a coat hanger or other wire with a hook to fish out the diver if it stays sunk.
Ages 6-16. Limit 20 for Zoom.
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Clear plastic straws are a little easier to work with and a little cheaper, but you could instead use 5/16" outside diameter clear vinyl tubing. The tubing is available off rolls by the foot from any hardware store.
The tall cup of water is for testing for the right density. You might also want a coat hanger or other wire with a hook to fish out the diver if it stays sunk.
Ages 6-16. Limit 20 for Zoom.
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3:40 pm Challenger Learning Center of Colorado - Science is EVERYWHERE Digital Scavenger Hunt
We'll challenge family teams to use their phone or tablet to work together to answer trivia, take pictures and find evidence that science is EVERYWHERE on a wild goose chase with an interactive, digital scavenger hunt.
No materials needed.
No materials needed.
Special Instructions:
Participants should download the FREE Goosechase app ( ) on one device prior to joining the session and will be asked to share their email address for notification if they are the winning team. The team with the most points wins a planetarium show for their family and 10 of their friends (15 person maximum)!
All ages.
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Participants should download the FREE Goosechase app ( ) on one device prior to joining the session and will be asked to share their email address for notification if they are the winning team. The team with the most points wins a planetarium show for their family and 10 of their friends (15 person maximum)!
All ages.
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