We'll add you to our mailing list, and rest assured that we will not share your information with anyone else.
We're just a small group of volunteers, so we don't currently have the resources to send regular newsletters, but we're hoping to change that soon 😀. We will, however, be sure to let you know when special events are coming up, like our Colorado Springs Cool Science Festival and Carnival Day for Kids at UCCS each fall.
In the meantime, if you're looking for more fun STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) activities for kids, be sure to check out our Facebook Page, where we post a new activity every day* that we like from the internet, so it's a great way to discover other great STEAM resources!
* You can also scroll through all of our Facebook posts at the bottom of our Try Science at Home page.
We're just a small group of volunteers, so we don't currently have the resources to send regular newsletters, but we're hoping to change that soon 😀. We will, however, be sure to let you know when special events are coming up, like our Colorado Springs Cool Science Festival and Carnival Day for Kids at UCCS each fall.
In the meantime, if you're looking for more fun STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) activities for kids, be sure to check out our Facebook Page, where we post a new activity every day* that we like from the internet, so it's a great way to discover other great STEAM resources!
* You can also scroll through all of our Facebook posts at the bottom of our Try Science at Home page.